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How to use FRIC

이용 방법

by 이화여대 외국학술지지원센터 2021. 6. 16. 11:31


Ewha Foreign Research Information Center(FRIC) collects and archives foreign academic journals in field of Education, Social Science, Arts & Sports Science. We provide free Document Delivery Service(DDS) for domestic researchers.



- FRIC is a governmental program that Ministry of Education supports and KERIS(Korean Education and Research Information Service) to collect, archive and use foreign academic journals. Ewha library is in charge of Education, Social Studies, Arts and Sports fields among FRIC.

- Ewha FRIC Center provides free Document Delivery Service(DDS) of academic journals for domestic researchers in the field of Education, Social Science, Public Press, PR, Video, Music, Painting, Play/Movie, Sports/Dance.


How to use

1. Request at library homepage

[1-1] At the search result, click FRIC icon or type in bibliographic information at [My ELIS - Material Use - Document Delivery Service]

[1-2] Search article at Ewha Discovery and click FRIC icon

[2] Choose 'Central library 4F FRIC' as material taking place and type in bibliographic information to request

[3] If you receive a text message about material arrivals, please visit FRIC to get it.


Place to get meterials

Service hours Place
Weekdays 9 AM - 5 PM FRIC (4F Periodicals Room of Central Library)
after 5 PM 2F Circulation Desk
Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM 2F Circulation Desk



2. Request at RISS

[1] Sign in RISS (Registration is free).

[2] At the search result, check bibliographic information and holding organizations.

[3] If the material is in our library. click [복사/대출신청] on the upper left side.

[4] Choose '[무료]이화여자대학교 외국학술지지원센터' as top priority and request.



3. Request at ScienceON

[1] Sign in ScienceON (Registration is free).

[2] At the search result, check bibliographic information.

[3] If the material is in our library, click [원문복사신청].

[4] Choose '이화여자대학교 외국학술지지원센터' as top priority and request.



4. Request by E-mail/Fax

[1] Go to FRIC hompage (http://www.fric.kr)

[2] Search journal from [학술지검색] → [센터별검색] Select "교육·사회·예체능 선택"

[3] Download Request form and fill out.

[4] Send it via e-mail(fric@ewha.ac.kr) or fax(02-3277-3122).



5. Request by person

- Visit 4F FRIC directly to request



Take out the materials

- When the materials are arrived, library send arrival notice by e-mail or text Kakaotalk message.

- It is possible to get materials by visiting FRIC directly or by mail to your address for free.

- Place to get meterials

Service hours Place
Weekdays 9 AM - 5 PM FRIC (4F Periodicals Room of Central Library)
after 5 PM 2F Circulation Desk
Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM 2F Circulation Desk

- After arrival notice, if the materials are remained for 2 weeks, they may be discarded without notice.



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